Gunner Ghost 750ml
Navy-Strength Gin Hand-Crafted from a Modern Mix of Botanicals
ABV: 57%
PROOF: 114
AVAILABILITY: 750ml at Retail, 375ml at Bent Brewstillery
LIST OF BOTANICALS: Juniper, Apricot Kernel, Angelica Root, Coriander, Grains of Paradise, Lavender, Rose Hips, Vanilla, Grapefruit Peel, Lemon Grass, Cascade Hops and three more you’d need to make us walk the plank for. Gunner Ghost breaks all the gin conventions. A modern mix of botanicals meshes with the traditional juniper berry to create a floral aroma with intense flavor that begins earthy and herbal with a citrus finish. Back in the day, Naval vessels carried booze in wooden barrels. If that barrel broke during battle, the booze could soak the gunpowder and render it unusable. But gunpowder soaked in 114 proof booze still lights. (Trust us; don’t try it yourself) Once this was determined, no booze under 114 proof was allowed on naval vessels.